Hints on Downloading and Using PowerPoint Presentations


Saving a Presentation: Downloading a PowerPoint Presentation to Your System

Printing a Presentation

Downloading a Viewer: Don't have the latest PowerPoint on your computer?

Downloading a Converter: Want to tailor a show, but you don't have the latest PowerPoint? 

Links to Other Sites with PowerPoint Tips 

Downloading a PowerPoint Presentation to Your System

Typically, Netscape gives a one-step process to downloading a PowerPoint presentation. Click on the file and it will ask you where to save it.

With Internet Explorer:

If your browser starts displaying the presentation automatically, rather than downloading, we don't want to rely on the response of Internet when viewing so still save it:

Printing a PowerPoint Presentation

Of course, there are many ways to print PowerPoint presentations, but we thought that we'd give you our recommendation of what works best:

Don't have the latest PowerPoint on your computer?

You don't need PowerPoint on your PC or MAC desktop to view a PowerPoint presentation. Here's what you do:

Want to tailor a show but you don't have the latest PowerPoint?

To use slides from one of the Medianet presentations to incorporate into an internal presentation, here's what you do:

Links to Other Sites with PowerPoint Tips

We'll do our best to keep these updated for you! Please let us know if you experience any problems.

ZD Net AnchorDesk: Get an Ovation with Your Presentation

MS Office: PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

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